Tagged fish database
In order to assign a recovered tag to information about the origin of the tagged fish, the original tagging data must be contained in the Fish Trek database. For this reason, the following information is collected and archived by researchers who carry out fishing and ecological fish projects:
Tag ID code of the fish, resp. its tag
A description of the tag type used (PIT tag, telemetry emitter, external tag, VIP or CW tag)
species of fish or lamprey
date (DD.MM.YY) of tagging
river or body of water and location where the tagged fish was originally released (either a description or GPS coordinates)
Length and weight of the fish
Institution, organization, or company responsible for the tagging including e-mail, physical address, and the name of the project manager.
We thank all the researchers tagging fish who are contributing to the success of this Citizen Science Project by providing tagging data!
Further information about specific fish tagging projects is available on the page: ecological fish tagging projects